We know there are many reasons why our clients choose to work with us.

Why choose us
We are independent:
From a regulatory perspective we are Independent Financial Advisers, IFAs for short. That means that when we implement our financial plans we aren’t restricted in our choice of pension or investment provider. It goes further though, with an independent and challenging mindset running through everything we do. All with one aim in mind; helping our clients get everything they want out of life.
We are financial planners:
We’ll aim to solve your immediate financial concerns and worries. We’ll also use our financial planning skills to put a plan in place which will help you to achieve your objectives in life, whatever they are. We’ll never just sell you a product.
We are specialists:
The type of clients that we work with means we have an in-depth knowledge of their financial issues and challenges, along with a detailed understanding of the possible solutions.
We charge fixed fees:
Our fixed fee structure is popular with our clients as it provides them certainty and usually means the amount we charge is lower than the percentage-based charge favoured by many advisers.
Personalised service:
Every client we work with has different needs, objectives and beliefs. That means the service we offer, and the financial plans we build, must be equally personalised and bespoke.
Our history:
We’ve been around a while; the business was founded in 1987 and we have over 60 years’ combined experience. Our clients benefit from that combined knowledge and experience.
Built on long-term relationships:
The better we know you, the better we can advise you. We care passionately about our clients, with a genuine and deeply held desire to see them live the life they want.
Compliance & oversight:
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). We also voluntarily engage with outside experts who provide guidance and advice, ensuring that procedures are acceptable to the regulator.
Please note:
The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount invested.